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2004-10-05 - 11:35 a.m.

Things have been very busy lately and I really haven�t had the time to make an entry�..

My lovely wife just called. One of my cats, (yes the face biting Halloween cat,) has been diagnosed as having diabetes. Cats can get diabetes? What, will she now only be allowed to eat sugar free mice?

Great. I love my cats, but I am torn over this. Since I just learned about the diabetes this morning. I don�t have all the info, and I haven�t processed it all either. But the first thing that came to mind was how is this going to affect the cat? How much is this going to cost, and how will this affect our life?

I am told it is treatable. The cat will need 2 shots a day. I am happy that I know why my pet has been listless and lethargic lately and that this will address that. But giving the cat a shot twice a day? One of the reasons I got a cat is that they don�t need constant attention. When my lovely wife and I go away either for a few days or longer I usually have my brother or nephew swing by once a day to feed the cats and hang out for awhile. But I can�t ask, nor expect them to come by 2x a day when I am away to give the cat a shot. I guess that when I go away I will have to hire a professional cat sitter to do this.

I have a feeling a �professional cat sitter� is not going to be cheap. I can usually bribe my brother with a bottle of scotch. My nephew is even easier: I just let him unfettered access to the internet and seems happy. Hmmmmm, just what does a 17 year old boy do all day on the internet anyhow?

I am also thinking that insulin is not free either�.

This cat is getting expensive. Just this spring she was attacked by a raccoon and the vet bills for that little wildlife encounter was about a grand. Yup. A fucking thousand dollars.

The blood work and diagnosis for the diabetes is $300.00. There will be follow up visits.
The cat sitter. The insulin. The special food. Damn, if I knew it was going to be this expensive, I�d just as soon have a child. At least the child could help me mow the lawn�

As I said, I love my cats and they are great companions. So I guess that while I am not thrilled about the additional expense, as well as the inconvenience of the shots, it really isn�t too big a deal. I can afford it and the cat depends upon us to take care of it.


Cash Out - Another Round

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