Like I care...:

pat - 2005-01-05 16:24:29
Andy buddy, what is up with the font???
Andy - 2005-01-05 16:26:33
Don't start with me pat, as you can tell I am just a big happy pussy cat today.....:^)
Rhi - 2005-01-05 16:30:54
Ugh. comment deleted. Good thing. The comment was lame, lame, lame...makes me want to cut myself, date a boy named Chad and change my name to "you-know-you-like-my-Care-Bear_panties"
Andy - 2005-01-05 16:33:09
Rhi is back Rhi is back Rhis back!!!!!! :^) :^) happy dancing in my chair.
Pat - 2005-01-05 16:34:46
Rhi's got back! Rhi's got back! Rhis lap dancing in my chair.
Andy - 2005-01-05 16:50:12
Pat, you lucky bastard.

Oh, for people e-mailing me. No, my entry wasn't about you. It was just a late afternoon rant. If I read your diary or bookmark you, I honestly wasn't talking about you....
Pork Tornado - 2005-01-05 17:10:10
Andy, I know that all of that was about me. My poetry, my angst ridden bullshit,

You're a funny dude. In Word, you can go to options- general, and there is a smart punctuation option that you can turn off to keep the heiroglyphics from showing up. Now you know, and knowing's half the battle.

Pork Tornado - 2005-01-05 17:10:55
forgot to mention my shitty html.
Tiffany - 2005-01-05 18:55:40
I'm going to try my hardest not to sound like a 13 year old... but your entry was comletely right. Of the 1.5 million I'm sure like 1.4 are completely annoying. If you will excuse me I have to get offline because Chad is probably trying to call me, I'm late for my crack whores annoymous meeting. Toodles.
Nightmare - 2005-01-05 20:29:44
And to think I was going to write you into my list tomorrow! I had composed a nice poem about you as well, but now I think I'll leave you out of the list completly.
Rhi~ - 2005-01-06 00:25:41
Andy of such words I adore...Nevermore soda you make my tummy bubbly...Gurble Gurble...Mandelbread, Tzimmes,, dear Andy, are my favorite are Red Matzoh Balls are food. Dude, crude, lewd, rude and um...I hate my life. *cue the applause* end scene...
pat - 2005-01-06 00:44:51
Andy Andy thou art so handy.... Tho thine wife she is so randy.... Never doest thou think to react open handly.... Thank you thank you for being so witty.... Thank you thank you for the nitty and the gritty.... Oh and thanks again for your wifes fine titty..... Andy Andy thou art so fucking dandy.... Tho Thine Mistress Rhi she is so fucking randy.... Never does she think that im fucking manly....
Veronica - 2005-01-07 16:18:17
Ohmigod, my diary is chock full of your entire list, especially including tons of lists. In fact, I should just change the name to "She's List Happy" hehe. Loved your entry. Was that really a picture of your house, you lucky bastard?

As if I care. :

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