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2005-04-29 - 2:47 p.m.

Current Mood: Cromulent

Currently listening to: Burl Ives

Currently Reading: Restraining Order.

Poem of the moment:

The darkness of my heart
Slithers like blood.
Love longing.
Kitty Prancing
Why me?
No one understands.

Well, as promised I tried to post some pics of my Kitties but I just can�t seem to get them to go! Andrew! HELP! This Diaryland sucks. If Andrew doesn�t call me in the next 20 minutes, I�m going to take my diary and all my peeps with me and leave! OMG LOL! Could you imagine?

Well, I had toast for breakfast. And I am planning on later going to pilantes and then maybe do some serious watching of 24. Does any one else watch 24? It�s a wicked cool show. You should watch it. I think I am going to start and American Idol web page too.

I�m sooooo tired. Does anybody else get tired? Sometimes it seems I am more tired than other days. I don�t know. I feel alone sometimes too. Did I tell you my cat did the coolest thing the other day? I was lying on the floor, eating rice cakes and reading my latest book: Tibetan masturbation techniques while on the internet� and my cat came right up and sat on the pages! OMG! LOL! I had to I.M. Doodles and tell hom all about it!

Me: Doodles: My cat rocks!

Doodles: Do I know you?


Doodles: Please go away.

Me: BBQ!

Doodles: I�m serious.

Me: !!!!!

Oh man, that Doodles. So anyhow��

Mental Note: Star wars comes out next month. I need to get my Wookies costume finished!

Tubbs is getting married! Woot! I think we should take up a collection. Better yet let�s all think happy thoughts and send him some �healthy energy�. Also, I will be setting up a donation link to save the gay whales, and a donation in his name will be made as gift from all of his loyal fans here in good ol� diaryland. Woot!

Keep cool! Look for another post next week! I�m off to the mall!

Cash Out - Another Round

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