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2005-01-04 - 1:19 p.m.

One of my personal New Years resolutions is to be more helpful.

It�s strange. Each day, everyone one of us has the potential to come in contact with hundreds, maybe even thousands of people each day. With the internet, the number of people you can affect goes beyond imagination.

Yet some us here are the most lonely people I have met. Honestly, that really bothers me. Everyday we have countless opportunities to help each out. Yet, we don�t. Maybe we�re too �busy�, or maybe we think someone else will come along and help them out. It�s time to change that.

And it starts with me.

This year, I resolve to help people. People need help in ways they haven�t even imagined. Some are small ways, but you know what? It�s the little things that sometimes make the biggest differences.

�The phone is ringing! The phone is ringing! Hey! Answer the phone!�I now helpfully shout out to my lovely wife when ever the phone is ringing.

I�m thinking I might also start to help out when the doorbell rings.

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to help an elderly woman who had left her purse at the drug store�s counter.

I�ll never forget the look in the sweet old lady�s eyes when I ran up to her with her purse in hand.�Oh Maam! You forgot your purse. It�s ok. I understand. It must be difficult to remember things when you are so old and so alone and so very, very close to death�.Have a nice day!�

Sometimes just pointing things out to other people can help them out. For example, my secretary is quite the large woman. So when she was eating a donut the other day, I quietly leaned over her shoulder and seductively whispered in her ear �Do you really think you need that, tubby?�

My secretary slammed the donut on the desk.

�I didn�t think so.� I added as I went into my meeting. . I think I saw tears of thanks streaming down her cheeks.

Or take for example last night, at the movie theater�.

�Hey retard, your shoe�s untied.� I announced. This was especially helpful, since the person actually was retarded. See? By just taking a few moments out of my busy schedule, I helped this kid avoid serious injury. I could tell that his mother wanted to say something, probably to thank me, but I just put my hand up and told her �Hey, no problem� and walked away.

Helping others makes me feel good about myself. That�s all the thanks I need.

Why, just a few moments ago at lunch, I had the opportunity to help a co-worker.
�Hey John!� I yelled across the crowded cafeteria �I heard that Barry from Shipping is fucking your wife!�

John looked really hurt by this. Even a bit shocked, but knowing your wife is a cheating filthy whore is helpful.

Actually, now that I think about it, that probably wasn�t all that helpful, and some might even say it was just plain mean, but the truth be told, I really hate John. John is a dick.

So, take a few minutes today and help someone out around you. You�ll feel better about yourself. Trust me.


Cash Out - Another Round

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